how health coaching will help you


Are you ready to prioritise your health but don’t know where to start?


Do you need a coach in your corner who you can trust to keep you accountable and your goals on track?


Have you been given a diagnosis and would like to explore how nutrition and lifestyle may minimise symptoms?


I’ll coach you to explore basic improvements and implement gradual changes during our work together. As the pieces of the puzzle fit over the program, changes are usually significantly more than what you originally expect.

As there is no ‘quick fix’ to achieving better health, my role is to help you replace food choices and habits to those that nourish and repair the body.

I will support you to:

  • Understand how important diet and nutrition is for your health (in a palatable way, I promise)

  • Curb intense sugar cravings and balance your blood sugar levels

  • Cook whole foods that heal, taste fab, are super easy AND meet your unique dietary requirements

  • Stock your pantry with staples so you won’t be tempted to buy take-aways

  • Reduce stress and overwhelm

  • Improve sleep quality so you wake feeling energised and refreshed

  • Release the ‘I don’t have time’ mindset

  • Motivate, educate and inspire you to feel fabulous again

As Henry Ford once said:

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got.”
— Henry Ford

How does it work?

We can work together either in person or via Zoom/Phone/Facetime (making it easy for you to slot our session in during your busy schedule) while we navigate your coaching programme.  We will chat for 50 minutes twice a month, for three or six months, and implement a health programme tailored with you and exclusively for you.  

After each session you will receive written progress notes along with recipe ideas and resources to support you journey. 

Remember, being healthy doesn’t need to be hard!

I will guide you to find the food and lifestyle choices that best support you, to make gradual, lifelong changes that enable you to reach your health goals.